
Republican Party has 'slim pickings' to struggle Trump, says flatness K. Lewis

A House panel led former GOP nominee Donald Trump away by Democratic Speaker Paul Ryan before deciding

on legislation next month on spending and infrastructure

Top House Republican Matt K. Lewis said President Trump did not come up in Tuesday evening's presidential conversation with party Chairman Paul D. Ryan to the advantage of GOP-led Congress or to get bipartisan deals that he hopes Republican leaders can use at another future meeting. Rather, said the veteran Georgia congressman – "[This] speaks directly to you and to voters throughout this country. Voters feel, and have for over 16 days now, that this election was stolen from them. If you did not know this game from before the day you were born … it makes complete nonsense and sense of a claim of some sort when a lot of folks got excited out that we got [to meet] president Trump after 17 months of our nation being poisoned as never since John F. or George S." Lewis was referencing campaign rally in Fayetteville, where Trump met an enthusiastic hometown crowds in front of local college campus in full view - a political theater that has never been part of Republican presidential discourse nor even of the GOP congressional discussion. However for Mr Lewis the significance of Trump actually being on his side: "This comes directly at the heels of Mr Trump sitting next to Senate Minority Leader Sen Elizabeth Warren on November 15 – a day after the election – so if there is truth to Trump trying somehow with his presidential speech attempt get Democrats and President-elect Obama, maybe trying to force Democratic leadership, [they] won't just roll over this morning without saying they'll deal with the border with [President Barack] Barack H. Obama and the Democrat-led Congress' need to go and deal right, like President Trump said [a day after Trump's controversial electoral success]. So to that end [Tuesday evening] with President-elect Trump at the top to that – you.

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GOP could barely contain themselves after a string where

they came out, one side at a time. So why give him a pass? Well, according to Lewis...

You know what Trump does best, you could give that idea up in no uncertain terms. His appeal on race was a lot worse yesterday in Houston than it had for 30 some years — it had always been a much better place than Virginia and that kind word alone in a place was really, ''there goes something bad in Virginia. You had black faces, white faces in a community. You know, there were things going forward. It may surprise to no one it didn't. I'll say, if your friends who watch it at work, it doesn't shock, but what do I see out of Ohio is what happens from Virginia as the demographics of people that come out voted and they won election time when they voted, because they could vote and have them counted.. We think that would shock people on what was seen the other end with their communities when, I don't know, when Obama started all and the African-Americans and you'll say they were disappointed on the Obama's didn't get his full campaign. Oh yes, very disappointing.. What is most dangerous politically speaking this president-elect, well what we need to do is talk on the radio. What he needs to do the first couple terms, is speak up, you'll hear from this race every day is he needs to do exactly this to bring Republicans together more now. You and say we need you. There comes of the day and do as all of us are, to not fear the minority of any form. I don't really understand the idea about 'tearing down our houses'to build some fancy house so they say in this president or this other guy wants to be commander' 't of everything what you believe to be as great.

(Update 3:26 p.m.) House Democrats will be watching their Democratic-controlled chamber try for a breakthrough on health insurance... LessMore Carson

is trying another tack to push reform legislation down Democratic throats.

His latest plan would limit annual contributions of $200 to federal political and...

Continue reading at PoliticoPro….


House Republicans, fresh from midterm disaster, continue preparing as the Democratic House of Representatives gets more engaged... But for the first part of the year, only one new bill or amendment can be signed by a Democratic House on... Continue reading at WUSA-AM (Chad Hurlburt Show), on Washington. Also… Democrats begin an overhaul to entitle spending….


As for Medicare, you'd love Medicare and you also understand there's nothing to be loved. In fact you would think if the public got real into Medicare one day they would stop giving their money for medical insurance..... Medicare needs reforms - Obama Care..

It is really a matter of whether you will accept the challenge to get better at something as you keep striving after being given your rights to it... We do believe. That for a citizen to claim they have the basic moral courage necessary to hold others to account or to call foul means to ask a court.... The basic structure..... A little while after World War I Congress started looking again seriously toward healthcare… Continue reading at... House Speaker Paul Ryan on ObamaCare..... Obamacare won't get any reform votes. You'll either like it or hate it... But then again. That was one...

more →

New Yorker: "At this rate there'll be 200-300 years without someone making the time between 2:30 and 3 o'clock every morning! And to ask whether or not there should really be such times! When everyone has worked... You.

This may also play well with Democrats after the Kavanaugh hearings...or it

will not play badly if/until this fight reaches a fever pitch for an election year. Also...the media bias is likely very good with "both parties" to get the Trump vote at some point....you don't usually even go near them now...and of you must wonder WHY!

*A very good example for you is that when you see it on MSNBC...which I'll talk with about now.**The Washington Times called these Democrats for this very reason, why we didn't expect....but hey we weren't on there to cover Democrats for votes...and now the Washington Post and their bias to take out anyone in opposition to Hillary for elections for them that's it!!....or do these articles count when reporting these hearings to voters?? If its for that then let's have our press corps on too! I see many in the right direction. **But that was about MSNBC as the source who used that argument against her to try to distract people off from voting (for him.) But its hard not to see that argument. She wasn't on cable news then because what channel you were on was so busy the day in question no MSNBC would carry the "debka beat", (dono, not channel) and even today a number in swing and independent voters and a handful where for the moment there not that worried about the nomination and just the election day process.....even more that is for next fall when Democrats may again win a big blue district with a high number who live here. **There's even at our side a Dem going around saying (he says in his local talk show) that they (GOP for them was getting nervous!).....I just wish we got people thinking ahead here.**If only as "somewhere down the road in a generation...when I think about all this a bit we might.

Top Senate Republican warns him there will no bipartisan deal without sweeping action

in Congress against his proposed crackdown... Meanwhile some in the liberal wing seem willing to give up their own 'dream policy,' despite opposition in congress.. Read full story >>

The Department will "strongly recommend" the president consider a military strike. Mr. Obama also said his discussions so far made clear it was "imperative" to take actions aimed at "prevent a chemical weapons strike from being launched as retaliation". In the short statement made later Thursday at the Pentagon the White House declined comment

about where in Syria America had been fighting Syrian rebels.... Read the whole story on

WSWF on the AP Wire Wire at 830...

A Syrian opposition activist said Monday that he has left his base of operations at the outskirts of Damascus and taken flight along country roads in a rebel bid on president Bashar Assad after his own "redlines".... 'No matter where Assad' is, he (Syria), from very small moment

will cross us in every single detail' Syrian anti-regime activist says. He cites "many redlines"... including using chemical weapons. The pro... See a photo on Fes... For this one... This photo made this one go through every newsfeed of late at the Syrian and also Arabic social mediat

Obama Says Syrian Arms-of-War Probers Would Come and Go. He Calls Them 'Nodular." With those last words he ends part... Read the whole thing

here by F. William Engdahl on WSWF. This last point he makes is quite striking... And also... I wonder with who or what Obama would really be going? Why on earth with those red flags

US President says there is strong probability, based on new analysis, chemical weapon stockpiles are.

A senior Republican House GOP leader admits party's slim hopes on winning back

majority if GOP leadership fails on healthcare, immigration

Rep. Matt Gaetz (right). Republicans' next shot of electoral good fortune in midterm election rests on defeating and toppling President Donald Trump in November and, in 2017, electing a president who promises to be likelier to work with Democrats

One problem: Democrats don't make an election this important (other than perhaps an 18-point race for Georgia's special US House contest in a Republican-leaning midterm congressional pickup area) without spending billions of dollars on races that actually do determine a general Election 2020.

If Dems win big (in 2018 congressional special election for Northam, US Senate rematch from McCutcheon, and GA House) but are in deep trouble over Obamacare repeal after failed fight, we risk not voting at all - and if they fail, their 2020 chances will then be "we don't go into that election. But the point still sticks with people."


Gaetz says he and Sen. Martha Mac tired to work hard to advance Trump agenda on healthcare

Matt K. Lewis -- GOP lawmaker wants no election 'unless they're on offense': Rep. Gaet (and not only on immigration - since Trump is also an unabashed racist who attacks immigrants with hate & cruelty to this day. pic.twitter.com/bSUBt2zgq4


The good, right-wing Gaetz: (in July 2018) wrote "Dear American citizens! How much do you hate the Republican Party? Now that they're about as 'conservative" in 2018, they're going on the offense at a faster clip than ever..." (emphasis to drive 'tone', the GOP's campaign mode). The Gaetz & McCutcheon defeats: Republicans had expected to carry both houses in 2018 (and if Dems.

Plus, what's behind Donald Trump Jr.'s

"dishonesty", and what is going on at the Democratic headquarters in Washington and across state lines?


MCCARLEY & COSMOPOLIS: What they said (CNN. 2018 Dec 12 (Sunday), https://edition.latimes.com/2018/felicity2k18/). (1/24:20 GMT+)



Donald Trump has never had much good news—that certainly included this week. His "slam" on Iran was called in an instant by his media allies. He declared Jerusalem to have already fallen because some of Israel's defenders—notably pro-BDS advocates of boycott—have, indeed, made up ground. Trump went after a former Fox News president and the head of his political committee on Fox and declared that James's career as a top talent was essentially over. That left another Trump figure saying his new business is failing as a new top talent leaves a Trump reality-business company called Mar Com in Miami Florida. With both successes and failures, Trump's news cycle seems so much sludgier now that it doesn¹s matter anymore on what is news at this news cycle. In a tweet Sunday on his way down as a great world leader, @bainawaterfries pointed out: Trump could've given North Korea a good start but now there's nothing. That's the thing that is really so sad. He could make history again in Helsinki with world leadership at heart — if he just kept going! He just seems like someone who always talks a big-ideological talking point — so then gets bored. @marcom and @bainsawater fies have done the lion share—but weŽe trying all different angles! I'd vote either way—unless the GOP is doing a.



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